♥ Precious Smile ♥
Assalamualaikum, ini blog untuk tuan tanah membebel. Tuan tanah seorang yang pemendam maka blog ini adalah tempatnya membebel. Kalau tak suka sila lawati blog lain. Sekian syukran ^,^
1 Citizen Program ^_^
15 Jul 2012 | 11:25 am |
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Click on the logo above to go to the 1CITIZEN website
Program Objectives To develop a sense of 'keNegaraan', collaboration, responsibility and ownership to the communities during their online digital experience To 'infuse' positive messages among Youth To encourage youth volunteerism and activism To integrate a Malaysia-owned Globally Benchmarked and Standards for digital literacy Certificationp/s: This post is about 1 citizen.. Do read and support please!!
Copyright ©. Code thanks to OhMiss Linda .Re-edited by Nayli Idzwati . With little helped of CikGee
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The Owner
Saya Zinirah Binti Shamsudin
Lahir pada 26/8
Orang Penang
Anak bongsu ^,^
Masih belajar lagi
Beragama Islam
Calon SPM 2012, now tengah sambung STAM
Peminat setia Bahasa Arab
Aliran sains tulen dan kelas khas agama. huhu
Suka berpolitik, berdakwah dan taekwondo -,-'
PAS selamanya ^.^
Kenangan termanis dapat belajar bahasa Arab.. ^^
Kenangan pahit peristiwa di Bersih 3.0, POLIS!!
Hobi--> kaki online 24jam, belajar b.arab, makan ice cream, tidur lambat, berfesyen, cuci tandas -.-', dengar lagu setiap masa..
Al-quran, nasyid, pop,lagu jiwang -.-,
Suka makan Resepi Rahsia ^^
Tingin nak jadi pakar b.Arab
Hidupku dan matiku kerana Allah
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Additional Stuff
Anything that you want to put here. etc: tutorials
1 Citizen Program ^_^
15 Jul 2012| 11:25 am |
Click on the logo above to go to the 1CITIZEN website
Program Objectives To develop a sense of 'keNegaraan', collaboration, responsibility and ownership to the communities during their online digital experience To 'infuse' positive messages among Youth To encourage youth volunteerism and activism To integrate a Malaysia-owned Globally Benchmarked and Standards for digital literacy Certificationp/s: This post is about 1 citizen.. Do read and support please!!
Copyright ©. Code thanks to OhMiss Linda .